来自最权威最新完整开源SIP,语音通信,融合通信中文技术文档资料,提供详细的Asterisk Freepbx, FreeSBC, 免费会话边界控制器,网关,语音板卡,IPPBX,SBC配置资料-asterisk,freepbx,freesbc 用户手册 界面配置,呼叫路由,IVR, 网关对接,拨号规则,SIP 分机呼叫,pjsip, IVR, 录音, CDR, 队列呼叫,振铃组,CLI 命令中文资料手册
SBC 用例介绍
Sangoma SBC 作为一个介于两个网络之间的接口:
- 解决防火墙和NAT问题
- 规范和修复SIP消息
- 通过运营商使用SIP中继注册
- 网络拓扑隐藏
- 提供对SIP和Voice(TLS,SRTP)安全保护
- 编码转换
- SIP会话从内网或者外网发起,可能有NAT问题。
- QOS 是非常必要的
- 厂家之间的兼容性问题需要解决
Security and Fraud
- State full session security
- Media security and encryption
- Session Limits: call per second, max calls per user
- Intrusion detection and prevention
Standard Firewalls are not enough
- Unlike firewalls SBC maintains session state
- SBC opens pin holes for ports associated with the session
- The firewall will close and reopen different port numbers breaking the session
- SBC inspects, controls and manipulates all network layers: 2 to 7
- The firewall only works on layer: 2 to 4 (IP/TCP)
Enterprise Security Threats
Denial of Services
- Call/registrationoverlaod
- Malformed messages (fuzzing)
- Configuration errors
- Mis-configured devices
- Operator and applicatoin errors
Theft of service / Fraud
- Unauthorized users
- Unauthorized media types
- Smartphones running unauthorized apps
- Viruses and Malware attacks your VoIP network
Firewall is not enough
Traditional firewalls cannot:
- Prevent SIP-specific overload / SIP DOS
- Open/Close RTP media ports in sync with SIP signaling
- Track session state and provide uninterrupted service
- Perform inter-networking or security on encrypted sessions
- Solve multi-vendor SIP interoperability
- Topology Hiding
SBC do all of the above.