呼叫记录 - UCP

来自最权威最新完整开源SIP,语音通信,融合通信中文技术文档资料,提供详细的Asterisk Freepbx, FreeSBC, 免费会话边界控制器,网关,语音板卡,IPPBX,SBC配置资料-asterisk,freepbx,freesbc 用户手册 界面配置,呼叫路由,IVR, 网关对接,拨号规则,SIP 分机呼叫,pjsip, IVR, 录音, CDR, 队列呼叫,振铃组,CLI 命令中文资料手册
James.zhu讨论 | 贡献2015年10月29日 (四) 15:45的版本

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用户侧呼叫记录-UCP 使用指南




在我们的实例中,我们通过 用户管理模块设置了用户可查看的不同数据。点击可以看到呼叫数据显示。 Screen%20Shot%202014-06-19%20at%201.19.11%20PM.png

*	For each Call record we have the following
*	Date- Date and Time call was received or placed.
*	Description-For each call we have the following icons under the Description
图标	                                                                                                        含义
http://wiki.freepbx.org/download/attachments/28180543/Screen%20Shot%202014-06-19%20at%201.24.28%20PM.png	呼出呼叫
http://wiki.freepbx.org/download/attachments/28180543/Screen%20Shot%202014-06-19%20at%201.24.33%20PM.png 	呼入呼叫
http://wiki.freepbx.org/download/attachments/28180543/Screen%20Shot%202014-06-19%20at%201.25.29%20PM.png 	进入到语音邮箱的呼叫
http://wiki.freepbx.org/download/attachments/28180543/Screen%20Shot%202014-06-19%20at%201.25.34%20PM.png 	会议室呼叫
*	Duration- Length of call in Hours- Minutes-Seconds
*	Controls- If the call has a Call Recording associated with it you will get a play and download icon for the Call Recording.
*	You can search for any call by using the Search bar at the top and putting in the number of the person you called or who called you and pressing GO